Cancellation and Refund

1. Cancellation

Subscription fee paid is for the full duration of your subscription. No cancellation, early termination or change of subscription package for Tamil Malar News subscription is allowed. Subscription fee paid is strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. You will not be entitled to other special discount, promotion and/or campaign after subscription fee is paid.

For auto-renewal, there will be no refunds or cancellations after the card has been charged. To deactivate auto-renewal, please go to your Tamil Malar account and disable auto-renewal. After you have disabled auto-renewal, your subscription(s) will not be automatically renewed after the current one expires.

2. Refund

a) Refund is strictly prohibited save and except for scenario(s) as provided in Clause 2 (b) hereof.

b) Refund may be allowed at our sole discretion if:

i)   we are unable to appoint a newspaper vendor to fulfil your subscription; or

ii)   in exceptional circumstances which we will review on a case-to-case basis.

c) In the event of a refund pursuant to Clause 2 (b) (i), we will refund the balance subscription fee after deduction of the cover price of the newspapers delivered up to the termination date of your subscription.

d) In the event of a refund pursuant to Clause 2(b) (ii), the following shall be deducted from your subscription fee and the balance thereof will be refunded to you:

i)  total cover price of the newspapers delivered up to the termination date of your subscription; and

ii)   an administrative charge of Ringgit Malaysia Fifty (RM50.00) only.